Authentication Settings

This Post Describes How to Set Authentication Settings for your Tests

Firstly, choose the form and click on "Edit Form" From the Dashboard or the Add-on.

2. Scroll Down and you will find the Authentication Settings. Currently BoloForms offfers Google and Custom Questions Authentication to start the start. Lets explore both the options step by step.


1. Select Google From the Dropdown Menu

2. Click on Save

3. Click on Sign in with Google

4. The student will now choose the account to login

5. Once Authenticated they will be able to begin the test.

Custom Questions

1. Select Custom Questions From the Dropdown Menu

2. Now give a name to the question that will be asked to the enter before starting the test. In this Example we have used Student ID as Authentication Method.

3. Click on Save

4. Now to Authenticate the student will be asked to enter the Student ID and start the test.

Last updated